Support us

The Hare Krishna community in Amsterdam, or ISKCON Kerkgenootschap/Stichting ISKCON Trading, is an institution without profit objectives. Also, we are according to dutch law, a recognised religion and thus a church. As an individual Hare Krishna centre we are financially independent and our income consists out of gifts, donations, allowances, and sales of Hare Krishna literature. ISKCON Kerkgenootschap also has an ANBI status, which means that it is an institution for the general good. ISKCON Amsterdam thus is a recognised charity which means that you can get tax advantages over your gift.

Our monthly costs

More than money alone

Besides financial support we regularly also receive donations in kind, like a complete kitchen inventary, or free renovation construction. Everything helps, so also working hands. Without the support of our congregation and volunteers we could not exist. Do you want to support us in any kind of way, please contact us via


Support the temple with a monthly donation. You can cancel anytime by sending an email to

Balarama Sevaka

21 euro per month

Click here
Krishna Sevaka

42 euro per month

Click here
Radha Sevaka

84 euro per month

Click here

One time donations

Sunday Feast (108 euro)

Sponsor a Sunday Feast for a special occassion, like a birthday, new job or anything else to celebrate.

Click here
New Temple building

Help the temple to get a new suitable home for Their Lordships Sri Sri Karuna-Nitai Gauracandra.

Click here
Open donation

Support the temple with a one-time open donation. You can choose the amount yourself.

Click here